The Celtic Heroes Clan

Home Page About the Buffbot Our Members Catalog The Rumpus Room


Who are we?

Hello! If you are stumbling on this (Which I doubt) you are looking at the temporary website for a clan in the Kingdom of Loathing. The Kingdom is a MMORPG game, in which our clan resides.

Our clan is dedicated to to proper treatment of other players. We do not tolerate L337 speak, except from our buffbot. We have been around for a little bit and have a full rumpus room and forums.

In short, we are TEH BEST!

Clan Updates

We have forums up!

Go to

It is the place where we shall chat! The in-game forums are not nearly as fancy and here we can have avatars, and signitures. Not important to most people but it is a little bit better.

Hey a new-er website is comming!

I have a friend making a website for us. It should be done eventually according to him. It will be shiny, new and made just for us! I would like to make it postable and such but we'll see.

Our Buffbot

Check out the buffbot page to see whats going on with out buffbot!

Rumpus room updates

The clan does have a full rumpus room! We are proud of it and its constantly changing. Check out the Rumpus Room page! Heres a link!