About the Buffbot

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The Celtic Heroes Buffbot

The Buffbot is an automated player who grants benificial spells to players for a small amount of meat. She runs on a Mafia platform and might be made into a chatbot to.

She is still not finished and needs to be ascended. However when she is done, she can helps out alot.

Additionaly Buffbot needs a new look! If you are interested in designing her new look let me know via in-game or forums.

Be sure you can do the following:

Animate the Image, Stay withen the limits of KOL, and be able to make it look as much like the KOL art as possible. The image in question will have the following.

-A Sauceror with a Jewled-Eyed-Wizard Hat

-Moves her arms and casts a spell through a Chefstaff. The Chefstaff being in one had and a time sword in the other.

-A stainless steel solitare around her neck.

This is just an outline. If you need anymore info contact me through the game. And remember she is a she ; )! I got a submission for buffbot. It wasn't detailed, but it gives you an idea. Here it is (see image at bottem.) Just think like that.


After a long discussion with the other leaders of the clan we have decided to do the following.

To ease the use of CelticBuffbots ascension plans we will be making in fact SEVERAL buffbots. One Sauceror, One Turtle Tamer, One Accordian Theif, one Pastamancer.

At least that is our plan. It may or may not work... I dunno.

In the meantime our one celtic buffbot has:

Elemental Saucesphere... 5 meat.

Jabenero Saucesphere... 6 meat

This may or may not happen immeadiatly. As of late it seems we have to log in and give it a boost to attempt to make it run automaticly. Unfourtunatly I can't fixed and I am talking with the programers trying to get it working. In the mean time we will cast manual buffs on people who send in 5 meat.


Donations are always accepted. If you want to send a donation please send it to CelticBuffbot (#1488486) and be sure to write what you sent so the computer can register what the buffbot has. I.E. You send 3 Sabre-Tooth-Lime-Cubs, you would need to include in the text: Sent 3 Sabre-Tooth-Lime-Cubs, and X amount of meat.

We need:

-Sabre tooth lime cubs


MP Restorers.


The Game in witch this is all Based