The Rumpus Room

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The Rumpus Room

It has been noted through KOL history that Rumpus rooms are REALLY expensive and most clans will come up with one layout and stick to that. They will never change... EVER. Its sad yes but true.

Our clan has a different Idea about it. We want to change it and shape it, to our members needs for that time. Unfourtunatly it is expensive to change it, so if you are feeling generous please donate some money to the clan stash! It will help the development of the clan. Through a poll on the forums we know how to gear our Rumpus room for that period of time. By either making it All meat bushes, or all adventured oriented we can optimize for any majorities needs.


What's in the Rumpus Room?

For now we have a gym oriented rumpus room. However this should change soon, with the exception of the Klaw Machine. THE KLAW MACHINE SHALL NEVER LEAVE! And for good cause. It is an expensive unit to contently re-buy, and also the other options for that corner are rather, blah. This is the best choice for this corner and thus it stays. Right now we have:

Top Left Corner: A Girls of Loathing Calendar, this gives members 3 additional adventures per day.

Top Middle: A shelf full of arcane tombs and whatnot, Allows members to train Mysticality

Top Right Corner: Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game, Allows members to atempt to get a stuffed plushie.

Middle Left Side: Meat Bush, Gives Members 400-500 meat a day

Middle Middle Middle: Tan you Lots bed, Allows players to train Moxie

Bottem Right Corner: Hobo-Flex Workout System, Allows members to train Muscle.

Gym Set: Shelf, Tanning Bed, Hobo-Flex.

Adventures: Calendar.

Games: The Skill Crane

Meat Givers: Meat Bush

So donate now to replace the furniture. Thanks!